What is Baby's Days?
Shooting Star Childcare (Welling) uses the childcare system called Baby's Days. This can be accessed here: https://shootingstar.mybabysdays.com/ or by downloading the app.
Baby's Days - Apps on Google Play
Baby's Days on the App Store (apple.com)
BabysDays:Amazon.co.uk:Appstore for Android
Baby's Days is an online Learning Journal and Management System and this allows parents to securely connect and view their children's Diaries, Progress Acheivemnt Dates, Photographs, Videos, Invoices, Progress Notes, Observations, 2 Year Progress Check, Termly Reports, Policies, Permissions, Medical Forms and much more.
Parents can also upload Observations, photographs, videos of their children and add comments on their children's learning and achievemnents at Shooting Star Childcare (Welling).
You will receive login details from Noreply@mybabysdays.com once we have set you up on the system.
For further information and support please visit Baby's Days for Parents - Childcare Software for Parents with children in Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Childminders. (babysdaysforparents.com)